We all have New Year's resolutions, those purposes and in those New Year's resolutions is the desire for a better life, a step forward in everything we do, there is the desire to grow in some way, it’s to reach beyond where we are now or go beyond where we are.
Growing up becomes the dream of our life, and as the year progresses becomes our great challenge as well. How can we make those dreams?
Overall growth means growth in all areas of one. Growth is based on normal development and progressive. It is a growth that is nature, because, a nature in its normal environment, it develops normally.
Like a newborn baby. If given the normal food, will grow and will develop in a normal way and complete. We'll see how each of its members are developing and growing in uniform and normal. After a time indicated that baby grows and becomes a toddler on the eve of a major growth, and the baby keeps growing and growing until it enters the primary, and becomes a teenager who is growing up to be a young, and so develops and grows healthily.
Imagine if there were problems in this baby? What could happen if he had normal development? What if only some of its members do not grow like the others? He will be a mismatch, an imbalance that would cause other problems.
Or what’s happen if the toddler grows on the outside and comes to adulthood with the same mentality of a child? Or that he grew in age and stay with the body of a person of small stature?
The Bible compares us to these new babies: 1 Peter 2:2 As newborn babes, desire the spiritual milk, that ye may grow thereby.
Our growth should be commensurate with the nature, healthy, comprehensive and integral. Are you growing? How are you growing?
At the beginning of Chapter 2 of Habakkuk, He was living in the midst of great confusion and full of expectation about what would happen in the future. Just like us in this beginning of the year!
Learn from Habakkuk's attitude. In verse 1, he was saying, "I will be firm and will have expectation about what comes next"!
In verse 2, God replied: "Write the Vision."
Always, Vision should bring Action, if not, that vision tends to die. Do not forget: The Vision should bring action. Habakkuk 2:2 says, "That he may run who reads it."
When we got a vision and we work for get it (Action), sooner or later should be fulfilled in our lives. Habacuc 2:3. Habakkuk 2:3.
Its a process, where could to happen two things:
He whose soul is not straight, not going to stay. Habacuc 2:5. Habakkuk 2:5.
The righteous shall live by his faith, the faithful will remain. Habacuc 2:4. Habakkuk 2:4.
This vision tells us why we exist and for what we exist as a congregation of New Covenant. This vision answer the question: What can we expect from the Church of the New Covenant?
This is our Vision as New Covenant Church: "New Covenant is designed to: know Jesus Christ as Savior, connect with others and sharing the love of God to the community."
Did you know this vision? How are you living this vision? How are you developing this vision in your life? Are you growing on the basis of this vision?
You might wonder how we are developing this vision to the congregation, or how we will develop this vision in the future. There it goes!
IV. To know Jesus Christ as Savior.
1. We are making this part through our activities: Sunday school classes, Children's Chapel, and the worship service.
2. All of us here should reflect the love of God and the face of Jesus Christ, Pastors, leaders, administrators, teachers, worship team, ushers, members of the Church. Everyone!
V. To connect with others.
1. We are making this part through the following activities: home Bible studies, and meetings of organizations of the Church: Group of Men, group of women, marriage, Youth League, Young adults League, group of widows.
2. The need for more Koinonia as Church: eating together, have other activities together, etc..
VI. To sharing the love of God to the community.
1. We have many areas of work where you can participate: The choir, the area of Christian Development, Evangelism, Discipleship, Visitation group, Social Action, Music, Finances, church programs, the office.
2. We share the love of God with our community. An example of this is you who are here present. Since February we want to start evangelistic worship.
3. We want that you can participate and serve God in some way. What do you do to serve God? Talk to the Pastors! Get involved and participate in that area or organization you want!
CONCLUSION: In what way you want to grow in this year 2010? Do I really want to grow? In what stage of development are you? New Covenant has all this to help you in your growth and the fulfillment of your New Year's resolutions. But remember: To know the Vision requires action. Are you ready?
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