Tengo en mis manos dos reflexiones del Hno Ernesto Contreras que quiero compartirselas! Disfrutenlas y compartanlas con libertad! Esta es una de ellas!
Las Madres que este Mundo Necesita.
Este mundo necesita
de mujeres esforzadas
femeninas, hacendosas,
cada vez más preparadas.
Este mundo necesita
de mujeres adornadas
con virtudes y talentos,
cuya estima sobrepasa
La de las piedras preciosas.
Que amen a Dios con el alma,
la mente y todas sus fuerzas.
Que sean sabias y aprobadas.
Este mundo necesita,
de mujeres ejemplares
en amor, pureza y honra
y dones espirituales.
Que aún desde adolescentes
sean por todos apreciadas
y demuestren la belleza
de una mujer cristiana.
Este mundo necesita
de mujeres que en la tierra
sean la sal, la luz y guía
en medio de las tinieblas.
Mujeres que sean la fuente
del amor, bondad y vida.
Mujeres como mi madre,
Este mundo necesita.
Dr. J. Ernesto Contreras Pulido.
Cesar M Duran Ministry Missionary of General Board of Global Ministries of the United Methodist church serving in the Rocky Mountain Conference, called to develop leaders and serve God. Cesar M Duran MInistry Misionero de la Junta General de Ministerios Globales de la Iglesia Metodista Unida sirviendo en la Conferencia de Rocky Mountain llamado a desarrollar lideres y a servir a Dios
Datos personales
- CesarMDG
- Since he was six years old, he grew up in the Methodist Church in Piedras Negras, Mexico. He was one of the founders of the Youth League in the early 80's. After several years in the youth leadership of the league and the Youth district, God called him to the ministry entering the seminary even with 17 years old. In 1992, He graduated of BA in theology at the John Wesley Methodist Seminary in the City of Monterrey. In 1991 he started his studies in the Methodist Conference and was ordained elder in 1995. He has studied many courses in theology, pastoral care and received his certification as a chaplain. It has over two decades of experience in pastoral work in northern Mexico and the United States. He has been teacher of conferences and trainer of many courses to pastors, and a enthusiastic preacher in the U.S. and Mexico. Always preaching the gospel and leading the Latin people to serve God through the gifts and ministries that God has given to His Church.
Desarrollando Lideres para la Gloria de Dios. Dios me ha llamado al desarrollo de lideres y de ministerios. La iglesia de Jesucristo esta siendo llamada a servirle! Para cumplir esta tarea, cada creyente tiene la responsabilidad de ser perfeccionado para alabanza de Dios. El desarrollo de lideres requiere un compromiso constante aun mayor que el que existente en un proceso de discipulado. Mi deseo es que este blog te ayude en ese proceso, en tu crecimiento y en tu servicio a Dios.
God called me to train and develop better leaders and ministries to serve better the Church of Jesus Christ. The Church is called to serve and ministry this world that is in crisis. To accomplish this task, every believer has a responsibility to be perfected to the praise of God. Leadership development requires sustained commitment even greater than that existing in a process of discipleship. My hope is that this blog help you in this process, your growth and your service to God.
Mira que te mando que te esfuerces y seas valiente; no temas ni desmayes, porque Jehová tu Dios estará contigo dondequiera que vayas. Josue 1:9
God called me to train and develop better leaders and ministries to serve better the Church of Jesus Christ. The Church is called to serve and ministry this world that is in crisis. To accomplish this task, every believer has a responsibility to be perfected to the praise of God. Leadership development requires sustained commitment even greater than that existing in a process of discipleship. My hope is that this blog help you in this process, your growth and your service to God.
Mira que te mando que te esfuerces y seas valiente; no temas ni desmayes, porque Jehová tu Dios estará contigo dondequiera que vayas. Josue 1:9
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