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Since he was six years old, he grew up in the Methodist Church in Piedras Negras, Mexico. He was one of the founders of the Youth League in the early 80's. After several years in the youth leadership of the league and the Youth district, God called him to the ministry entering the seminary even with 17 years old. In 1992, He graduated of BA in theology at the John Wesley Methodist Seminary in the City of Monterrey. In 1991 he started his studies in the Methodist Conference and was ordained elder in 1995. He has studied many courses in theology, pastoral care and received his certification as a chaplain. It has over two decades of experience in pastoral work in northern Mexico and the United States. He has been teacher of conferences and trainer of many courses to pastors, and a enthusiastic preacher in the U.S. and Mexico. Always preaching the gospel and leading the Latin people to serve God through the gifts and ministries that God has given to His Church.


Desarrollando Lideres para la Gloria de Dios. Dios me ha llamado al desarrollo de lideres y de ministerios. La iglesia de Jesucristo esta siendo llamada a servirle! Para cumplir esta tarea, cada creyente tiene la responsabilidad de ser perfeccionado para alabanza de Dios. El desarrollo de lideres requiere un compromiso constante aun mayor que el que existente en un proceso de discipulado. Mi deseo es que este blog te ayude en ese proceso, en tu crecimiento y en tu servicio a Dios.

God called me to train and develop better leaders and ministries to serve better the Church of Jesus Christ. The Church is called to serve and ministry this world that is in crisis. To accomplish this task, every believer has a responsibility to be perfected to the praise of God. Leadership development requires sustained commitment even greater than that existing in a process of discipleship. My hope is that this blog help you in this process, your growth and your service to God.

Mira que te mando que te esfuerces y seas valiente; no temas ni desmayes, porque Jehová tu Dios estará contigo dondequiera que vayas. Josue 1:9

lunes, 21 de enero de 2013

Kant, Immanuel. Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals

 1. Who is the author?
Immanuel Kant born April 22 of 1724 in Konigsberg, East Prussia. In 1746 he graduates the University of Konigsberg and served as private tutor for various families in the neighborhood of Konigsberg. In 1755 he received his degree and was appointed Privatdozent at the University of Konigsberg. For years he wrote many articles, essays and books. In 1770 he finally obtained a regular professorship, the Chair of Logic and Metaphysics, at Konigsberg. He died in 1804.

2. What is the author’s thesis? (Thesis question should be answered in one sentence: this is a valuable skill to practice that will enable you to process information efficiently and effectively).
Someone of the student wrote: “I can’t with Kant”. Definitely this was a very complicated book; despite of that, my author’s thesis is: “If a person is moved by his/her own thoughts, reason or morals; then, that moral law is autonomous, not heteronomous, giving a sense of real freedom”.

3. What is the author’s methodology and theory? (Method is the way the author conducts research; theory s how the author explains the research findings).
Method: He used philosophical method where he analyze, critic, judge, and synthetizes the place of the reason in our action as human beings. He philosophically analyzes and judges the moral of the human beings. Also, Kant himself says he began analytically and turns synthetically from the examination of the principle analyzed in the beginning.
Theory:  Kant established three sections: In the first section he mention any basic principles bringing the reason to the grounds of the practical philosophy. In the second section, he establishes a transition between the personal responsibilities or duties to establish a moral law. And third, Kant explains why this moral law becomes authoritative.   

4. How did this reading further your self-understanding of ethical issues and what do you take away from the book?
I grew up in a context where everyone has to do exactly according to the customs, usages and manners of that place. So, I learned a concept of the Christianity since the perspective of my church in Mexico. I learned a group of moral laws and ethic where there are no place to my own thoughts, personal perspectives or desires, only the manners of the people of that place. I did all exactly as they wanted and was a wonderful boy, but unhappy! The fact to do all our desires and thoughts with liberty, is to live in a freedom where are autonomous, but responsible before people around us!

5. In light of the reading and class lecture, suggest a specific act of justice you feel motivated to do.
Many people live jailed in themselves because they took decision pressured by the people around them, as their parents or friends, and not their own decisions and desires. For that reason, I will teach my son and people around me to do exactly the things that they really desire because they will make mistakes if they follow the desires of others and not their own decisions. Maybe they will have mistakes or errors but they will enjoy the life and learn to do it better!

I agree that a person has to act according to their good will and volition, duty or maxim as Kant named it (4:403). This maxim could become a universal law, if it is giving the happiness that the person has been looking for. Also I agree that “everything in nature works in accordance with laws” (4:413), that gives the Kant’s position the heteronomous required as morals because we are all part of a whole. This position has an upside because we are all part of a whole, and as part of the whole we have to respect each other around us. Also, this position has falls, because we cannot live according to the desires, perspectives, or laws of others, if that is not what we really want and makes us happy.

The Kantian Categorical Imperative is different than a moral relativism that has no set rules and standards, because the Kantian position, despite is not based in universal defined laws but in experiences, is empirical because its purpose is the happiness of people but it is attained by certain conduct or commands of morality.  So, in the Kant position, people remains available to pursue their own happiness, but respecting others. In this umbrella, they are able to create their own rules but respecting others around them.

Talking about the question how the culture: what role does culture play in determining the Categorical Imperative and what tensions does it create? My own life is an example of that: I grew up in a context where everyone has to do exactly according to the customs, usages and manners of that place. So, I learned a concept of the Christianity since the perspective of my church in Mexico. I learned a group of moral laws and ethic where there are no place to my own thoughts, personal perspectives or desires, only the manners of the people of that place. I did all exactly as they wanted and was a wonderful boy, but unhappy! The fact to do all our desires and thoughts with liberty, is to live in a freedom where are autonomous, but responsible before people around us! Now that I live here in the United States I have a different perspective than when I was in Mexico, I am not any more the same! So, I think that if Kant had traveled and known other places, his perspective had been very different! 

Clyde first of all, thanks for your comments. All the time I like your comments because you are showing your heart in all that you say or comment here in classes or online posting. Also I need to recognize I have troubles as you reading Kant, any times I have asked me why philosophers or theologians write in that way, and in the same time began to think how I write about theology in Spanish! Then I understand that any people have problems understanding my theology, because I wrote my theology in theological terms. So, trying to understand Kant’s perspective about morals, I perceived that happiness is the reason of our actions, or as Kant called duty. And as you said, those duties are our better motivator, but all the time we will have outcomes and pressures from other people or circumstances, or as Kant called heteronomous! Much times that heteronomous defeat the autonomy of our lives or many of us deny that freedom and we are defeated by the external pressure and we finish being unhappy! I agree wit you when you say that the most important in this life is to be autonomy! God bless you my friend and be happy!

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